Debug Now
Fix And Ship Faster
Elevate your coding experience with intelligent debugging solutions
Trusted by 200+ users

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Boost Your Productivity
Project Kickstarter
Start your projects effortlessly with our AI-driven project initializer. Select your language, framework, and dependencies, and let the system generate all necessary files, instantly optimizing your workflow.

Enhance Code Quality
Solve Bugs & Optimize Code
Debugging made easy with our advanced AI tool. Upload your code and receive real-time, precise feedback on errors, performance issues, and security vulnerabilities to take your code to the next level.

Optimize, Initialize, Succeed.
save 2 months
with the annual plan
Free Plan
5 File Analysis
1 Project Generation
3 Days File Storage(for generated files)
Starter PlanMost popular
/ month
$290 billed yearly
200 File Analysis
50 Project Generation
3 Weeks File Storage(for generated files)
/ month
$800 billed yearly
600 File Analysis
150 Project Generation
5 Weeks File Storage(for generated files)
Frequently asked questions
More questions? Email us at [email protected]